
FAQs on Colorectal Cancer

FAQs on Colorectal Cancer

20 Nov, 2021

How to prevent colon cancer from spreading?

Prompt and optimum treatment plan - it involves surgery for complete removal of involved colon and lymph nodes. This may also involve special chemotherapy called HIPEC which is given during surgery. Even liver metastasis can be safely removed as feasible.

Chemotherapy is often required for more advanced cases of colon cancer.

After the surgery

  • Maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly
  • Consuming plenty of fibre food (fruits, vegetables, whole grains) and superfoods (beans, legumes, berries, nuts)
  • Limiting the intake of saturated fats, red meat/processed meat, alcohol, and tobacco

Special situations

  • Patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis and other polyp syndromes consider having their colons removed prophylactically to prevent the development of cancer
  • Patients with IBD (Crohn’s or Ulcerative colitis) should get regular screening procedures to look for cancer

Is colorectal cancer and colon cancer same?

Colon cancer refers to the cancer that has originated in the large intestine (=colon). Main treatment usually involves surgery first.

Rectal cancer refers to the cancer that has originated in the rectum (which is the last 12cm of colon itself). Main treatment usually involves surgery after chemoradiotherapy

Note 1: Rectum and colon are connected so a cancer of rectum if untreated will eventually spread to colon.

Note 2: Despite rectum being a part of colon, the two cancers are often referred separately because their treatment approaches are different

Colorectal cancer is a broad term that encompasses both colon cancer and rectal cancer. Both cancers have similar symptoms and similar prevention/screening tools.

Can diverticulitis be a sign of colon cancer?

Diverticulitis is a much more common condition as compared to colon cancer. A patient with diverticulitis and one with colon cancer may present with similar symptoms like bleeding, pain, vomiting or weakness.

However, there is no literature evidence that diverticulitis can progress to or leads to colon cancer.

Can colon cancer be cured?

Yes, definitely.

Treatment of colon cancer is largely based on extent of spread of cancer. Cancers in early stage that are treated promptly have excellent cure rates and survival advantage. Surgery is often done by small incisions using laparoscope or robot. Even the advanced stage tumors can be dealt with a rational combination of chemo/immuno therapy and surgery. Nowadays even patients whose colon cancer has spread to liver can have a good disease-free life.

How fast does colon cancer spread?

Cancer of colon usually starts in the form of polyps. A polyp may take a few years to turn cancerous, hence it is best removed when noticed first. Some high-grade cancers, or special circumstances like lynch syndrome, it may progress faster. The earlier we identify the lesion, the less likely the tumor will have spread to other parts of your body.

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